Pepper Long Oleoresins
Pepper Long, also popular as the Indian Long Pepper or the Pippali is the principal source of Pepper Long Oleoresins, which are obtained from the CO2 extraction method and with a spicy aroma. The oleoresin is basically gray or brown in the coloration. It shows the solubility in oil, while has immiscibility in the water. The liquid obtained has semi-solid constitution, and besides it has the paprika-like fragrance.
Common name:
Long Pepper
Volatile oil, residual solvent
Pepper Long Oleoresins are used in various types of spice mixtures and the curries. It is also an effective and long-term remedy for treatment of different types of health issues. The therapeutic properties of Pepper Long Oleoresins give it the natural advantage to treat malaria. It also helps in preventing the diseases such as cholera too.
Precautionary Measures
Pepper Long Oleoresins may not be recommended for use in case of pregnant and lactating mothers. The oleoresin may also cause reactions in children.
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